New photo cameras for the “photo-reportage” project
École du Plein-Coeur in Richmond has acquired three new quality photo cameras thanks to generous donors.
Indeed, the Group Desjardins du Val Saint-François, the Christian Vachon Foundation as well as the organization of Richmond and its young people financed these purchases. Following his death, Mr. Richard Arsenault left an amount of money to “Richmond and its young people” and it is thanks to this donation that the organization was able to support one more project.
The 3 cameras will bear the following names: Desjardins camera, Christian Vachon camera and Richard Arsenault camera.
The cameras will be used by students to make photo reports covering activities experienced at school (outings, guests, projects, sports, shows...). The photos will scroll on a screen in the school for everyone to see.
This project with entrepreneurial values is intended to be a source of motivation and appreciation for the students.
Thank you very much !