40$ = 1 cadeau pour un enfant

40$ = 1 cadeau pour un enfant

2000 children to make smile

Until December 23
Give generously


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As a symbol of your commitment, receive a star to hang in your Christmas tree.

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Thank you to all our partners!

Support school perseverance among children from vulnerable backgrounds

by providing them

en leur fournissant une chance égale de réussir




sports / cultural

an equal chance of succeeding

Depuis sa création en 2006, plus de 80 écoles réparties à travers cinq commissions scolaires du territoire de l’Estrie et de la Montérégie ont reçu l’aide de la Fondation Christian Vachon. Plus de 3,5 millions de dollars ont servi à fournir des effets scolaires, vêtir, nourrir, amuser et soigner les enfants issus de milieux plus vulnérables. La fondation soutient ces familles tout au long de l’année scolaire.

Since its creation in 2006, more than 126 schools spread across six school boards in the Estrie and Montérégie regions have received assistance from the Christian Vachon Foundation. More than $3.5 million was used to provide school supplies, clothing, food, entertainment and care for children from more vulnerable backgrounds. The foundation supports these families throughout the school year.

OBJECTIVE 2023/2024

502 young people to sponsor

The conference

and self-confidence,
the road to success!

Lean more

La conférence

et confiance en soi,
la route de la réussite!

En savoir plus

Partner schools

The Christian Vachon Foundation would like to express its gratitude to the partners who invest themselves through their actions and initiatives to give all children an equal opportunity to have access to academic success regardless of their financial situation.
Once again thank you !

The students supported by the Christian Vachon Foundation stormed the Mont-Orford ski slopes with their instructors on January 23rd. Despite the challenges related to sanitary measures, the Christian Vachon Foundation and its partners have managed to offer a 5th ski

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It is thanks to the initiative of Tara Moar, co-owner of Virgin Hill Café, Jessica Brown, real estate broker of the Cold Brook Agency and Amy Brown of Camlen, that $15,000 was raised to help the 25 young in vulnerable

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Finally, the cycling season has arrived! Unfortunately, not all families can afford a bike for each of their children, especially with the current shortage! The Christian Vachon Foundation, in collaboration with the CFER Memphrémagog, and the Center of school services

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